The Bristol Physiotherapy Sports Clinic has worked wonders for my injury rehabilitation and my 14 year old son’s. What they do so well is pay close attention to the original problem so that each bit of work they do and homework they provide precisely tailored to the injury and recovery goal.
Childhood and Teenage Injuries Treatment
Our team typically treat children between the ages of 8 to 17 years old. We may be able to see younger children (aged 6 or 7 years) but it depends on the issue so please contact our reception team to have a chat about your child and their issue before booking.
It is important for children and adolescents to be active. Participating in sport and active exercise not only benefits an individual’s health and well being, it also develops many different life skills.
Injuries, aches and pains are not exclusive to sporty adults. Children and adolescents can also experience injuries, both acute and overuse in their nature. There are also specific injuries that only occur in children and adolescents due to the fact they are still growing. Injuries in children and adolescents can affect the growth plates in the bones, or where the tendons attach to the bones.
Aches and pains in children and adolescents are often ignored and attributed to ‘growing pains’. Children should be able to be active and enjoy sport with out pain. Continuing to try and play sport, or exercise with pain, may result in a simple injury that was easily treatable, becoming more difficult to treat. It can also result in loss of interest in sport and exercise.
If children are complaining of pain with activity it is advisable to seek an assessment with an experienced physiotherapist, or your GP. An assessment would include understanding the history of the problem, how it started, how it is affecting the child in their daily and sporting activity, as well as looking at how much sport and exercise the child is doing. The physiotherapist would carry out a physical assessment looking at specific joints and muscles that may be causing the pain, but also how the child moves during different activities.
Most injuries in this age group can be treated easily with some modifications to sporting activities and some basic exercises. Sometimes a more comprehensive rehabilitation programme is needed to overcome injuries and ensure children and adolescents are fit to return to their sporting activities.
Sport and exercise during childhood helps develop physical skills, good health and well being. It also helps develop life skills, as well as establishing a habit of exercising. We recognise the importance of enjoying sport and exercise at a young age and being able to participate without pain and injury.
At Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic our team members who treat children are Gemma Kerr and Gareth Crankshaw. The Running School also works with sporting youngsters to help them develop and improve their running and movement skills.
All our staff at Bristol Physiotherapy Clinic have full DBS (previously CRB) checks.
Book online for Child & Teenage Assessments below
You can also book by calling 0117 973 8319 or by emailing: